Friday 18 November 2011

"Lalu Yadav dreamed of his reminiscence of 'Rail Mantri' days"

When Rabri Devi got up in the early morning to do her everyday 'path pooja', she was stupifyed to watch her husband Lalu scrambling on his cot. To what Rabri could make of his pedalling legs and chugging snores was that he had been dreaming his old days when he was a Railway Minister.
"What to tell you Faking News, but he was exposing himself profoundly that even the buffaloes who were tethered near his cot were found to be evading the gaze of his private stuff. The dhoti had been wriggled off the cot and the desi underwear and a singlet was what Lalu was wearing" Rabri confided.

Faking News went to the buffaloes and it was instantly cleared that that the bovine had been shocked and bore a shameful expression of perversity. Babua Bachoo who is the cattle attender of the house went on record saying that the bovine had gone dry for the day. 'There was no milk. Not a drop!'

Lalu Yadac had immediately gone to the party's office and it was Rabri who playfully narrated that her husband often makes the reverberating sounds akin to a moving train often inserting the screechy chugs and regular 'shuk shuk shuk'. Doing this, Rabri said, he would act like a train himself and would start scratching against the cot while moving his hands and pedalling-legs as if to denote a motioning engine. 'He looks cute in his moves, I must add', urged Rabri.

It was only when prodded for more that Rabri told Faking News that Lalu is not aware of his sleeping shenanigans. 'He is a sad soul after having lost in every election since his stint in the Railways. The 'train-shain' has got into his illiterate head. I have asked Sadhu to ask 'Nitish Baba' for a solution.' We. too. were confused with the namesake but later Sadhu made us clear that 'Nitish' she had referred is a local baba who knows the language of such haunting atmas. 'A drop of toddy cooked well in pot at Baba's cot will derail the 'train bhoot'' Sadhu was confident.

Lalu didn't return till the evening and thus we were deprived of the opportunity to personally meet the haunted body as we had to leave for the office. But we didn't fail to wish family a success in their adventures with 'train bhoot' and thrown our own advice that he be asked to sleep with his feet in the direction of West Bengal-if that could help!

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