Friday 18 November 2011

" 7 Race Course to be given a catchy name: 'Quite House' "

It has been decided to dub 7 Race Course Rd, New Delhi where the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has a office to be endowed with a synonymn 'Quite House'.
The PR team of the PMO office has gone on record that though the decision to name it so is yet to be given a final accord, there is no denial of possibility of such a nomenclature.

"If United States can have 'White House' why can't we have a 'Quite House'?" babbled Manish Tiwari, clearly missing the not-so-intrigue hint of irony buried in the name. 

The 'Quite house' if it is proposed, would seem to demand some changes to go with, said a confused Renuka Chaudhari. 'We won't in any case give a gratis opportunity to our rivals to tarnish the image of our PM. It is a careful thought to opt use of such a name as it reflects serenity which our sincere PM is known to maintain. "

As was expected, her 'serene' comment was laughed at by Chandan Mitra, a BJP associate who had his own theory: "This is buying a hatchet for one's own feet for Congress. Already the media wallas seem to have forgotten the actual voice of PM and now this name. In fact, it is now suspected that a couple of times that PM spoke at the national forum, chances are that he could have a soar throat or some other laringitis stuff. If that is the case, there is a possibility that no one has ever heard the actual voice of Manmohan."

This has triggered a reaction among the media houses to whom the PM might have spoken in the past to make a collection of the PM's speeches in case there is a demand from National Treasure Authority to ask for the samples of his voice to be kept in record like the famous Pandit Nehru's speech at the stroke of Independence. 

We, at Faking News, have got some speeches of Mr. Singh but haven't disclosed it yet for the public consumption because already Congress has started framign charges of fraud, tax-evasion, speech-theft, Voice-smuggling of various other media who had boasted to have access to some of those. 

"All the confiscated tapes would be sent to the same Audio-check centres where Vir Sanghvi got his tapes verified from. The truth must be established." was the final update on the UPS's website. It left us in jitters as what would an 'actual authenticate voice sample' of Manmohan Singh would sound like and who would get the balls to obtain that from 'Quite House'.

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