Monday 7 May 2012

"Going down the way of little 'unities' "

One of my little repines has been to hate the guy who once said "unity is strength." Not because it never turned out to be true but because there wasn't a thing he said which he should have, about the context behind that. So, we have--were we to talk only about India-- this mired purlieu where we have several little 'unities' that is destructuring India in worst possible way possible. The little unties of Dalits, Brahmins, Schedules Tribes, Ramghadias, Mazhabis and the list is as long as the cantankerous guts might allow.

These are still unties because they are untied--by faith, or by down-troddenness, lack of opportunities, discrimination etc etc. They have got a cause to unite and be a voice. It is often said that a voice can only be as strong as the cause it might be talking about. No doubt, we had the largest single united voice for the cause of Independence. In fact, it is a shame for us that what was the expected beginning for a new era of blooming generations was actually considered a terminal moment for the repressive, colonial past. So exalted we felt because of an achievement of large scale that we never realized, first-the importance of factors that led to that cause namely our courage, commitment and resolution working for the assimilation of a untied front against British; second, we didn't realize how important it was to stay united and continue with our work towards a prosperous India and not failing to do so by choosing instead to break down UNITY into several insignificant fooled version of little and pathetic unities and that VOICE was hewn and mangled at the chopping board of our wretched bias, prejudice and self-importance to be rendered as pieces of little 'voices.'

These voices are mere cries and whinnies now. They can't be substantiated on anything and would very soon fail to have even a convincing push-point on anything. We have been witnessing such things as these voices still get more and more narrow, with no mentors and sincere leadership. Individuals are expected to give shape to societies so that it can be a tool to build communities and administration forces to run the country. Sadly but, we have seen a terrible collapse of society into individualism in its worst form in which it ridicules itself by weltering in self-importance, arbitrariness, sham self-interest, frindlilessness, pettiness, and me-mine-myown wretchedness. And aah! the dire need to compare ourselves--sometimes with modernistic trends of west, soemtimes going back into medieval times of Guptas, Budhas--and never in the showcase of attempt to be ourselves, Indians who can take pride in collegiality and sharing and camaraderie and sympathy for each other. 

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