Tuesday 24 April 2012

"Social Media-a cog of wheel of Common World Culture"

Social Media is just irresistible. It is uncontrollable, unbriddled any force whatsoever known to man. This is the big beast that has been the subject of maximum media and consumer focus since the onset of this millennium. Laws of different countries have tried to wet their hands trying to make a sense of this beast in their legal framework but there has been a recorded 'mockery' of all such attempts. We are projected to several debates day in and out about the relevance irrelevance of it, or advantages disadvantages of it, but even the brilliant of intellectuals --including the mavens in the field--have raised up their hands in defeat. Time has come to not see it as some influence coming from outside. Here is what I call it: Common Culture of the World.

It would be more wise if we start seeing it as different from what out senses have so far perceived. To classify it as just Facebook, Twitter, Youtube would be a big fallacy and any attempt in doing that would defy the assertions made so far because then social media could be curbed by blocking all of similar sites. That a new virtual pulpit is created at the click of the mouse is an indication of its influence and is often magnified by accouterments by the effects of graphics or background scores etc. The name 'social media' itself has an allusion to the society and in a loose way it is the society's media. But here is the catch: there is no definition for this society, no culture to which its mores might belong and no confined reach either geographically or demographically. It is because it belongs to the world--that the whole 'world' is the society and culture, too, is that which belongs to the world.

One update in a tiny basement is available to the remotest corner almost instantly. Communities, groups and channels are more integrated and conversant than even the actual pieces. There is no applicable law because there is no territorial jurisprudence that may apply to it. If China bans a site that doesn't mean that the computers in China can't access it--may be the proxy satellites from other nations can direct the site packets in China. It is absurd to even think about blocking or curbing the nutrition of it. Block the computers and you would have mobiles with increased convenience of use and to begin heralding again. There can't be a terminus to it, accept that first. It is like this world culture will not in any case have any Book of Indoctrination of any kind. It is not that I am giving social media the holier colors of any religion, what I mean to say is that if you want to treat it as a religion don't go looking for any SCRIPTURE for it.

Everybody can be the contributor in this sea of information. Eqypt's clashes, China's fervors have shown it all. It is high time that we realize its importance in our life; also not to miss the potential dangers. (I won't go into any of these) It is high time that we are not confused by its force--what it has done and is much more capable to do more, influence ranging and transcending boundaries, oceans and all symbolism of shackles/hindrances. It is faster than the fire, mightier than the mountains, awakened all the time round the clock, in rain ruin spring. It is a culture of very unique kind and is bound to participate more in our lives, important decisions. Its bits and bytes are little memes that tend to define its mores and commandments though they can't be packed and tagged. Opinions and counter-opinions sail in the sea and everyone can sail along with them or may wish to paraglide. The choice is all yours as it is full of choices. Respect it. Expect more. (If you name it religion, you can't not be an atheist which probably is the only injunction that would inevitable come along.)

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